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About Us

One day my brother asked me to explain what I did for a living. I gave him the whole nine yards, from my qualification as a painter and printmaker, my years of community arts engagement, helping people to connect with themselves and their communities through participation in the arts,  involvement in adult education, working in arts and healthcare settings, developing my own practice as an artist and becoming interested in the areas of design, illustration and digital art media. He thought for a moment and delivered his distillation, typically succinct, "oh right so, you make pictures".


He's right. That's pretty much it. I make pictures. I make pictures on walls, pages, computers and canvasses.  The best day of my life is to sit in front of an empty canvas or a blank screen and to simply begin. I know there's a journey to unfold, an adventure to take, one mark to make before the conversation starts in earnest, each mark demanding a reaction from the next. There are stories to tell (sometimes mine sometimes yours), elements to balance, the to and fro of the passage to completion. The process is everything or almost everything.


I live in a beautiful part of the world and feel especially fortunate to have been born Irish. I have an interest in business and in recent years I've been exploring that idea of combining art with some of the things I love, namely sport and the great outdoors. I love golf, skiing, cycling, swimming and walking. My pictures reflect that along with the products that I design - Golf and Leisure Neckwear and Golf Umbrellas. I also love people and am endlessly interested in their stories of travel and the stuff that makes their lives unique. Sometimes I get asked to make an image of their lives. Check out my Bespoke Art (commissions) page for examples. Please feel free to give me a shout through the contact page if you would like me to make something unique for you or for someone special.


Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you find something you like and just maybe our paths will cross!
